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Koh Lanta

The countdown is on and we have a little over a week left of our journey, and sadly we are leaving our last island/beach and headed back to Bangkok for a third and final time. This last little island getaway is Ko Lanta in Thailand. (*to get to Ko Lanta via Malaysia, specifically Paulau Langkwai, just book it through a company which will get you across the border to Satun, Thailand and provide a mini-van to Trang, and then from Trang you catch two ferries onto Ko Lanta) Ko Lanta is one of the only islands on the Andaman sea where you can enjoy the crystal clear water and white sand without completely obliterating your budget. We definitely lucked out an are staying at a resort-like place, where we get a pool, and sun chairs, which is very luxurious compared to our other dilapidated beach stays. So here are some final shots of the island sunset, we hope you enjoy!

1 comment :

  1. Enjoy your last week! I'm glad we were able to see you guys on your trip! Enjoys the thai food before you go home and eat some jack fruit for me! We will have to play some 500 when we see you again, boys vs girls no holds barred. See you too in a few months.


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