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DIY produce bags

Do you ever use produce bags? I hadn't until this past summer.  My sister bought a bundle of bags from Etsy and we used them religiously at the farmer's market. It was so nice to put our veggies in our own reusable bags and not have to grab the plastic. And as an extra bonus, we don't have a whole drawer dedicated to a huge mass of plastic bags.

Since Brian and I are moving to Ballard (with its epic year-round farmer's market), I figured we needed our own produce bags! 

Here are the steps:

1. Get out your sewing machine 
    *you only need to know how to sew a straight line
2. Buy "flour sack" hand towels
    *I found mine for $4.00 and Fred Myer
3. Cut out two squares and sew the three sides together
4. On the open side, fold down the rim about an inch and sew where the folded-over edge         meets the main body of the bag (leaving a gap where you can thread the string through)
5. Flip the bag inside-out (so the seams are on the inside) and thread the string through the top-edge.
6. Grab a potato (seriously)...and carve what-ever you want into the potato (use a small spoon, so you don't cut yourself). Make sure to carve your image backwards! I learned that the hard way, and carved the word veggies onto my potato, only to realize that once stamped it is actually seiggev. 
7. Voila!
     *I made around four bags of varying sizes from two hand towels.

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