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video voyagism: where the hell is matt?

Do your remember these "Where the Hell is Matt" videos? I just came across the first one today and forgot how awesome this guy is! Hope you enjoy!
Where the Hell is Matt? (2008) from Matthew Harding on Vimeo.


  1. YES! I love his videos!! His videos inspired me so much...especially about long-term backpacking and he planted the seed for our upcoming 6 month trip. In fact, I JUST wrote a guest post about it and mentioned Matt's videos too. THANKS MATT! And you are so awesome for posting this...I'm a fan too! Love your video voyagisms ;)

  2. Oh my goodness I love this!!! How have I not seen it before?! This seriously just made my day! And Rachael's guest post was for me and I saw this link but hadn't had time to open it for myself yet :) Thanks for sharing!



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