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Photography Monday #14

Instead of my usual Instagram Monday, I thought i'd share some photos from Ironman I took yesterday:

I unfortunately slept in and missed the swim start, but it was chilly yesterday and I couldn't imagine swimming two miles in 50 something degree weather! It is always insane to see people push themselves to their limits. Needless to say, I didn't sign up for next years race :)

Hope you all had a great weekend!


  1. Can you imagine how crazy? I'm impressed by athletes like these, but I'd rather curl up in bed!

  2. They are super impressive to me too! But i'm with ya, i'm not sure I could even last one day of training!

  3. Brrrr I can't imagine swimming in that weather either!

  4. Nope! i'm pretty sure I would never look at water the same way again!


Thank you for your lovely comment!


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